Concrete Grinding & Polishing
Concrete grinding and polishing is the ideal solution for refurbishing old, cracked, or damaged concrete floors. Concrete grinding and polishing produces a nice new look from a durable and low-maintenance finish. Benefits of concrete grinding and polishing include:
- High gloss decorative finish
- Increase in ambient lighting due to gloss
- Long lasting
- Easily dyed or stained
- Elimination of dusting
- Reduced floor maintenance and maintenance costs
- Cost effective
- Repair concrete damage during pour and finish
Grinding and polishing at Petsmart store in Thunder Bay
Before and after concrete grinding and polishing at Tbaytel.
Before and after photos - grinding & polishing a customer’s summer cottage
The actual colours and processes are demonstrated and signed off by the customer before starting. Colours do not reproduce exactly as per colour chart. Testing areas are chosen to be in places out of the way, as colours cannot be easily removed.
Confederation College's Dorion Building before and after concrete grinding, staining, and polishing.
Colour and definition testing in our shop is used to create logos to be stained into concrete floors. Logos may be placed into new or existing concrete floors.
Grinding a spoiled concrete driveway. Rain or shine - no problem!
Grinding a small front patio, later stained green.
All Trades Contracting is a member of the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association, the Construction Association of Thunder Bay, and the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce.